
Smile Project: Industry 4.0 to improve production processes

Smile Project: the Smile Factory

Measure on Axis 1, action 1.1.3. of the National Operational Program “Enterprises and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 ERDF


Project amount: € 1,340,854.38
Amount of project developed by 687.639,38 €
Total Concessions: € 530,649.35


Smile (Smart Monitoring IoT Learning Ecosystem) is an innovative ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) research and development project focused on the “Intelligent Factory”, capable of significantly improving and making production processes highly efficient, safe and sustainable through a Cloud platform.


The Project, whose total value exceeds one million and 300 thousand Euros (1,340,854.38 €), was developed by thanks also to the concessions (530,649.35 € out of € 687,639.38) received under the OPN (Operational Program National) “Businesses and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 of the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), and in partnership with some research groups of the DIEEI (Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering) of the University of Catania and the CNIT (National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications).

the smile factory
The advantages and features of Smile

The project, which will allow us to move towards a model, both in technical and business terms, of the process-independent monitoring and prescriptive analysis as a service type, is mainly based on:

The project is dedicated to “Supervision and control systems for industrial processes” thanks to the monitoring and analysis of data provided by IoT sensors to detect and predict anomalies, following a process-independent approach and also exploiting advanced machine-learning techniques and deep learning;

The project is dedicated to “new materials and technologies for workplace safety”, as SMILE is a “horizontal” platform that can be verticalized in the specific area of safety, using specific sensors (environmental, postural and biophysical for the specific worker, etc.) and leaving the system with the burden of detecting potentially dangerous conditions for workers;

The project is dedicated to “ICT solutions for the enhancement and sharing of knowledge within factories”, as through the dashboard, it will be possible to view the status of the smart factory in terms of both process and single device;

The project is dedicated to the “Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) for the intelligent factory”, as the platform constitutes an intelligent system that has the task of interconnecting IoT sensors to elements equipped with computing, storage and communication capabilities, so that the data provided are aggregated and sent to an artificial intelligence system with the aim of creating knowledge to support decisions.

Find out more on Smile


The main
of interest are:

The development of an advanced integrated system for monitoring and controlling IoT sensors

The development of process-independent predictive and prescriptive maintenance systems based on the use of unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms, with the aim of making the maintenance and production phases more efficient

The acceleration of the learning phases for the detection and prediction models of anomalies, through the analysis of inter-factory data of homogeneous data, measured in different factories

The alert communication system (sms, email, telegram, etc)

The development of a dashboard through which the user can manage the entire platform

The design and development of innovative IoT sensors (reactive power, network parameters monitoring, rain estimation, etc.) in order to improve the quality of the monitored data

Monitoring the reliability of a given sensor (life time prediction) and the goodness of the measured data (dirty sensor, etc.), applying machine learning techniques