Fast Hosting

Register your domain on our fast hosting services for professional hosting

Check if your domain is free and register it with our fast hosting services. You will have high-performance servers, located in our Italian server farms that always guarantee high reliability and continuity of service. Publish your site with us, you will have the most suitable solutions and you will avoid expensive investments in hardware, software and communication networks.


The fast hosting service is aimed at companies that need to use proprietary hardware but wish to benefit from high performance and cutting-edge technology, by relying on an IT partner.

Why fast hosting is essential to the speed of your website

The servers used by the hosting service provider will ultimately determine how fast or slow your website loads in the browser. This happens because when a user visits a webpage on your site, the user’s web browser makes a request for each file (CSS, JavaScript, HTML, images, video) that makes up the webpage from your server individually.


If your website server is not optimized for speed, this takes a long time, which continues to increase the loading time of your website.


So, if you want the website you worked so hard for to load fast and securely and improve high rankings on Google, then the solution is fast hosting.

Fast hosting: optimize the speed of your website with the service

Do you know that visitors who land on your site will give up and leave if the site takes more than 3 seconds to load? So if your website loads in more than 3 seconds, there is no doubt that you will lose sales, conversions, prospect signups and email newsletter subscribers every single day, and on top of that your SEO too. will be negatively affected.

If you want to rank higher on Google’s search results pages with a fast-performing website, the choice is to rely on’s fast hosting. Why? Because Google officially recognizes site speed and fast web hosting as factors it uses in website rankings and score, and has published numerous articles and guides on the importance of website performance.


But here’s the thing. Most website owners are willing to spend a lot to improve the speed of their website, but forget to fix the biggest mistake that slows down almost every website out there i.e. the hosting they signed up with. your domain.

Buy our Fast Hosting

Why choosing Fast Hosting?’s fast hosting offers speed, high performance and a lot of features that most cheap web hosts don’t or can’t offer. This can include bespoke technology and speed software solutions designed to give your site a boost without any configuration on your part. While there are more than hundreds of different things web hosts can do to tweak and optimize their servers for speed, here are some features unique to’s fast hosting.

If a page on your website has 30 files (consisting of HTML, CSS, images, scripts, and so on), your visitor’s browser will download all of these 30 files one by one. This loads the web server very heavily and will eventually slow down your site. Not only that, but if your website server is not optimized to take advantage of browser-side caching, common files like logos and style sheets will be downloaded again and again each time the visitor navigates to a different page on your site. . Fast hosting optimizes their web servers to cache dynamic web pages and serve static copies to prevent server load. They also optimize their web servers to take advantage of the browser’s side cache.

The more geographically distant a site server is from your computer’s location, the slower the website will load. If the majority of your website visitors are in Italy, it makes no sense to host your website on a server in India. fast hosting allows you to choose a location that will be closer to where most of your target customers are.

Most web hosts almost never update their servers unless it is a necessity. If you want your site to run fast and smoothly, it is imperative that you use a hosting service that runs the latest version of PHP, i.e. PHP 7. PHP 7 is a recent and significant version of the PHP language and comes with major improvements to the PHP language speed.

HTTP / 2 is the latest version of the HTTP protocol that the web runs. HTTP / 2 reduces latency which will impact how long it takes to load a website. Most modern web browsers (such as Firefox and Chrome) support the latest version of HTTP but to take advantage of this, your server must be configured to be able to use HTTP / 2.

In few words, a CDN is a network of servers distributed around the world, which caches (makes a temporary copy) of your websites and then it takes the copy from the server physically closest to where your website visitor is located. If your hosting doesn’t offer a CDN, you may have to spend hundreds of dollars each month just for a CDN service.

Do you want to know more?


with annual subscription



€ 3.29 per month



unlimited (initial limit 10 GB)



5 users






Backup, Database: Access, Sql, MySql, Antivirus and Antispam, FTP Access, PHP Support, Access Statistics, Optional PEC, Optional WordPress, Optional SSL Certificate.



€ 4,99 per month



unlimited (initial limit 10 GB)



15 users






Backup, Database: Access, Sql, MySql, Antivirus and Antispam, FTP Access, PHP Support, Access Statistics, Optional PEC, Optional WordPress, Optional SSL Certificate.



€ 8,99 per month



unlimited (initial limit 10 GB)



25 users






Backup, Database: Access, Sql, MySql, Antivirus and Antispam, FTP Access, PHP Support, Access Statistics, Optional PEC, Optional WordPress, Optional SSL Certificate.


Ask for an inquiry or a personalized quote on our fast hosting services: contact us.