
Find out more about company history

The foundation

2002 is the year of foundation of T.net, which was born on the initiative of Elisa Giacone and Francesco Mazzola, current President and CEO.

Innovation and first international successes

In 2008, T.net develops one of the most advanced cancer registries in the world, receiving the letter of merit from the Miller Research School in Miami, which governs the largest cancer registry in the world.
In the same year, the SWRTI corporate software received the Best Digital Health Project award at the Health Forum in Cernobbio (IT).

In 2009 T.net develops the Middleware Infobroker technology for the Cancer Registry Software Engine “SWINFO”, to collect and connect all the oncological source to SWRTI

The dimensional leap

In 2013 T.net won Confocooperative’s 1.5 million Euro tender for the development of an advanced and complete automated Cloud. This project becomes a Cisco Emear Case Study and Cloud Best Practice.
In 2016, T.net won a 0.5 million Euro tender in North East Italy with the CAV motorway concession, to provide an integrated Voip and Wi-Fi solution based on Cisco Call Manager technology.

The headquarters in Milan
and the first steps in the Smart Road sector

Milan Headquarter
Smart Mobility World 2017

T.net moves its Headquarters from Catania to Milan, in the heart of the Italian Business Center. In October, the company participates in the Smart Mobility World in Turin (IT), a key event in terms of sustainable, digital and integrated mobility, presenting the first results achieved in the Smart Road sector with a speech on the topic: Controlling Environment, Traffic and Services on highways with an IOT Infrastructure in a C-ITS context, a presentation of the guidelines of the project of an advanced ITS system developed for the control, management and safety of traffic, environmental monitoring and the provision of advanced services to users .

The recognition
of Innovative SMEs
and the European dimension

T.net invited by the Politecnico di Milano to the ECSO event
T.net at the 25th ITS World Congress in Copenhagen.
in the photo on the right, Shailen Bhatt, President and CEO at Intelligent Transportation Society of America, in the center Francesco Mazzola and on the left Jacob Bangsgaard, President of ERTICO-ITS

In 2018, thanks to the constant commitment over the years on the Research and Development front, which has allowed the company not only to develop customized solutions and patented software applications, T.net is registered as an Innovative SME in the special section of the business register of the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE).

In 2018, T.net also joined the “EIT Digital EU Accelerator”, one of the leading European organizations for digital innovation and entrepreneurship education that drive Europe’s digital transformation.

In February of the same year, T.net’s Paper on an IoT Cooperative World was accepted for publication at the 4th IEEE WF-IOT in Singapore.

In September T.net is in Bologna for the IEEE event on Radio technologies applied to the IoT world, with an appreciated speech on the alternative use of LoRa in the agrifood sector compared to the very famous and to come 5g. Also in September, T.net is invited by the Politecnico di Milano to the ECSO (European Cyber ​​Security Organization) event on Cybersecurity, to talk about security in Smart Cities. Again in the same month, T.net participates in the ITS Congress in Copenhagen to present its innovative solutions for Smart Roads abroad for the first time. While in November T.net participates in the Bicsi event in Milan, talking about safety and standardization in Smart Cities, and, in the same month, the company participates for the first time at the Smart City Expo in Barcelona. Finally, in December, T.net participates in the Innovation Days in Paris and London organized by EIT Digital.

The expansion of the shareholding structure and consolidation

25 September 2019, at the Mind the Bridge Innovation Center in San Francisco – Presentation of the Smart City Block project for the City of Palo Alto. In the photo, the CEO of T.net with Gerad de Graaf, EU Director for the Digital Single Market, EU Commission.
On 24 and 25 October T.net together with TTS Italia and MIT, is at the ITS World Forum in Singapore
ITS World Forum Singapore 2019: poster
The magazine “The Future of Transformation” publishes the T.net vision on Smart Cities: 22.10.2019

In February 2019, the multinational Quaenet (operator and provider of IoT solutions) becomes part of the T.net shareholder base.
In April T.net is at the 5th IoT World Convention, organized by IEEE in Limerick, Ireland, to present the IoT solutions applied to Smart Cities. In May she is in China in Shenzen, invited by Huawei, to study the cities of the future. While in June at the «Future of Transportation» in Cologne (Germany), T.net is chosen to moderate Stream 2 on urban mobility and as “distinguished speaker” in Stream 9 on Smart Cities. Subsequently, in Brussels, T.net presents the panel of innovative services created by the company for Smart Cities in the vertical Digital Cities of EIT Digital.

On June 26, DataSYS publishes an interview with Francesco Mazzola on the future according to T.net.

In July T.net implements an intelligent dynamic weighing system (WIM) for CAV (Concessioni Autostradali Venete).

In September 2019, invited by EIT Digital SF node, the CEO of T.net presented to the American financial community gathered at Nasdaq the vision of T.net on Smart Cities, showing a preview of the revolutionary concept of Smart City Blocks which, in hackaton subsequently organized by Mind The Bridge at the San Francesco Innovation Center, it uses this solution for the city of Palo Alto, obtaining the greatest support and consensus with his group.

On 24 and 25 October, together with TTS Italia and MIT, T.net is at the ITS World Forum in Singapore to present the solutions for Smart Roads. While in November it participates in the World Congress in Barcelona to present its innovative solutions for Smart Cities.

In November T.net was among the finalists of the IoMobility Awards for our solution on WIM (for the MOBILITY TECHNOLOGY DRIVE-OVER-READER category, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; PARKING ANGEL, Nabla Quadro; WEIGH IN MOTION, T. net; and TRACKINGRAM, Trackingram).

Also in November, the CEO of T.net becomes the Innovation Manager of the MiSE and accredits T.net as an Innovation partner for organizations wishing to tackle the Digital Transformation.

On 22 October, the magazine “The Future of Transformation” publishes an article of the T.net vision on Smart Cities.


Francesco mazzola with Ossama Bessada, CEO of Quaenet and Investment Manager at Accelero Capital
T.net among the first European scale-ups for innovation presents its initiatives to the Financial Community in London

Over the course of almost twenty years of activity, T.net has satisfied its customers by designing, developing and managing always new services and innovative solutions, finding its focus in advanced engineering projects for the Internet of Things (IoT), the Cloud and Cybersecurity (GDPR compliant).


Today T.net is an innovative Italian and European SME, a system integrator and service provider specialized in the digital transformation of complex organizations: companies, associations and public administrations.


In the shareholders, in addition to CEO Francesco Mazzola (who also holds the position of Senior Innovation Manager of the MiSE and senior member of IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and Elisa Giacone (Sole Director of Antonvictor Investment), T.net counts on Ossama Bessada (CEO of Quaenet Inc, former Chief Commercial Officer of Orascom Telecom Holding SAE and Wind Telecom SpA) and EIT Digital itself, which considers T.net as one of the companies with the highest potential for innovation in Europe.

What Our Customers say

Fiducia Ripagata

Per noi la fiducia che i nostri clienti ripongo in noi è molto importante. Ancor prima del nostro lavoro, sono essi stessi i nostri portavoce principali, perché danno risonanza a tutto l’impegno che mettiamo in ogni lavoro

Carosello testimonial - elementor pro

Fiducia Ripagata

Per noi la fiducia che i nostri clienti ripongo in noi è molto importante. Ancor prima del nostro lavoro, sono essi stessi i nostri portavoce principali, perché danno risonanza a tutto l’impegno che mettiamo in ogni lavoro

Carosello testimonial - elementor pro

Fiducia Ripagata

Per noi la fiducia che i nostri clienti ripongo in noi è molto importante. Ancor prima del nostro lavoro, sono essi stessi i nostri portavoce principali, perché danno risonanza a tutto l’impegno che mettiamo in ogni lavoro

Carosello testimonial - elementor pro

Fiducia Ripagata

Per noi la fiducia che i nostri clienti ripongo in noi è molto importante. Ancor prima del nostro lavoro, sono essi stessi i nostri portavoce principali, perché danno risonanza a tutto l’impegno che mettiamo in ogni lavoro

Carosello testimonial - elementor pro

Fiducia Ripagata

Per noi la fiducia che i nostri clienti ripongo in noi è molto importante. Ancor prima del nostro lavoro, sono essi stessi i nostri portavoce principali, perché danno risonanza a tutto l’impegno che mettiamo in ogni lavoro

Carosello testimonial - elementor pro