
When WannaCry and the like are not a problem

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Have you heard of WannaCry? No? Then there are only two possibilities: you do not follow the news or you have entrusted yourself to the correct solutions in terms of Cybersecurity.

Hacker attacks are more and more frequent in our world: anonymous organizations (in most cases the members do not know each other) are aimed at companies, businesses and often world-class Enterprises to show them where, if only they wanted, they could push themselves. It is a gesture that can have an exclusively demonstrative value or, as has recently happened, extortion. WannaCry, Petya and Nyetya are in fact phenomena that have seen hundreds of companies in 150 different countries of the world, being threatened and held in check for the intrusion of external agents into their system.

Imagine having all the data of your company (sensitive and critical data of absolute confidentiality) in the hands of strangers who threaten to release them or, at worst, disclose them violating any form of privacy and confidentiality.

Imagine having to face an attack and decide, in a short time and in very stressful conditions, the fate of your business, whether you are the CEO, the IT or the Security Manager.

Imagine now that you have chosen in time to protect your company adequately, making it absolutely safe and immune to any unauthorized intrusion: well, you are spectators not directly concerned with what is happening and, if you become aware of the phenomena mentioned above, it is just for pure information.

Cybersecurity is fundamental for every type of activity (from medium-small business to Corporate) that wants to operate in total tranquility, knowing that it has a safe and effective protection plan in case of unpleasant phenomena that would try, without succeeding, to enter the system.

New Generation Firewall (NGFW), Disaster Recovery, Backup, Replica are all Solutions built to prevent these disasters and all that comes as a consequence: stalled services, loss of data, resources and capital, waste of time caused by restarting the production machine, resolution to collateral damage due to the sudden stop for which it was not prepared. Italia’s Cybersecurity Suite is ideal for managing your business in peace, carrying out your production process while others collect the pieces of a sudden disaster with frightening consequences.

Node, Confcooperative, Mostra d’oltremare, Unikore, Marine Protected Area Plemmirio are among the Customers who, relying on the different security solutions of Italia, have remained immune to the wind of terror triggered by the Wannacry, Petya and various phenomena that, with the necessary countermeasures taken in time, remain stories to hear about in the media.

Wannacry, Petya and various phenomena that, with the necessary countermeasures taken in time, remain stories to hear about in the media.

Ensure the security of your business, discover Italia Solutions.

